Analysis of the development trend of China's mold industry

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At present, the domestic market has a large demand for medium and high-grade molds, but it is required that domestic molds must meet the needs of users in terms of quality and delivery time. Moreover, home appliances, automobiles, plastic products industry demand for mold. International market: In recent years, labor costs in industrialized countries have increased, and they are transferring to developing countries, especially Southeast Asian countries. Its domestic production of high, fine mold-based, manual labor input a large amount of mold to rely on imports to solve.

Analysis of the development trend of China's mold industry

At present, the domestic market has a large demand for medium and high-grade molds, but it is required that domestic molds must meet the needs of users in terms of quality and delivery time. Moreover, home appliances, automobiles, plastic products industry demand for mold. International market: In recent years, labor costs in industrialized countries have increased, and they are transferring to developing countries, especially Southeast Asian countries. Its domestic production of high, fine mold-based, manual labor input a large amount of mold to rely on imports to solve. Therefore, the international market potential of medium and low-grade molds is huge. As long as the quality of domestic mold can be improved, the delivery time can be guaranteed, the prospect of mold export is very optimistic. In addition, the international market for the frame and mold standard parts demand is also very large. At present, China has only a small number of exports to the shelf.
Although China's total mold production has ranked third in the world, the industry has some of the overall level of relatively good enterprise manufacturers, but the current domestic mold industry is characterized by uneven process conditions, the gap is very large. A considerable number of private enterprises or self-employed, by the capital, site, technology, information exchange and many other factors, some manufacturers rely on traditional equipment and manual manufacturing to complete, can only produce some medium and low-grade mold, it is difficult to introduce advanced molding technology and advanced molding equipment. This has resulted in increased competition in the low-grade mold market. Some mold enterprises in order to take jobs, do not hesitate to lower the price of each other, and low prices will inevitably affect the quality of products, the result is pit users, missed peers, but also hurt themselves.
From the market prospect analysis and investment development planning research report of China's mold industry, it is understood that the focus of the future development of the mold industry is not only to meet a large number of needs, but also to have a high technical content, especially the molds that cannot be self-sufficient and need to be imported in large quantities and the large, precise, complex and long-life molds that can represent the development direction. In addition, because China's mold products have a large price advantage in the international market, mold products with good export prospects will also become the focus of development.